If it’s time for shopping, take a trip to the New Town of Nafplio! It's fun to shop in the Old Town, but the selection, at least when it comes to clothes, is greater in the New Town. The three main streets, Sidiras Merarchias, Argous and Asklipiou, offer a plethora of shops.
One area in the New Town is called Neo Vyzantio, "New Byzantium", and here you can have a rest in the small square in front of the church of Konstantinos and Eleni (pictured right). Sit down with a cup of coffee, look at the life and let the shopping muscles relax a bit. The little square is located between the streets Argous and Asklipion.
The name Neo Vyzantio has, as most Greek place names, a historical background. Many Greek refugees arrived from Turkey to Nafplio 1922, and made their home here. But that's another story.
Probably you have been to Greece before, and if you stayed in one of the touristy places, you know that souvenir shops are practically everywhere and the rest of the shops are nothing to write home about. Not so in Nafplio. The city is dotted with clothing and shoe stores, also selling international brands, as well as talented jewelers, food and gift shops brimming with excellent Greek produce, whether you want to buy wine, herbs, cheese or sausages, or icons and handicrafts of the highest quality. So whether you choose to shop in the Old or New Town, it is all too easy to spend money!
Finally, a little tip when you go shopping: It is common courtesy in Greece to say hello to the staff when you enter any store. A simple "hello" is fine, but it is even better to say hello in Greek; Γεια σας, "yásass". It actually means (to) Your health, and is the most common greeting in Greece. You can say exactly the same when you leave, by the way.
Better learn it, sooner than later!
Shopping and New Byzantium
The New Town

Concert outside the church of Konstantinos and Eleni.

The green square at the end of Adrianoupoleos street, Manousaki Park. There's a good little cheese shop at one of the corners.